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Apr 18, 20212 min read
Peach-Basil Sorbet
It’s peach season! and right now, they are absolutely glorious. Juicy, sweet and perfectly aromatic. Packed with vitamins, iron and...

Apr 18, 20212 min read
Haidhausen - for the Love of Local
"Home" has gone from Brisbane, Buenos Aires, Philadelphia, Boston, Bruxelles, Paris, Singapore, Zurich… to Munich. The lovely thing about...

Apr 18, 20215 min read
Why our Vanilla Ice Cream costs more
Plain ‘ole Vanilla, eh? Actually… there is nothing plain about Vanilla! Vanilla belongs to the Orchid family and is the only orchid to...

Jul 17, 20193 min read
New Flavour: Ecuadorian Vanilla
Vanilla is a luxurious and downright fascinating spice. If you are not sure exactly why, take a look at some of other blog posts about...

Mar 1, 20194 min read
New Flavour: Bergamot
Those of you who appreciate food and cooking know how important the sense of smell is. Nothing evokes good memories more - be it fresh...

Aug 14, 20181 min read
Carrot Orange Sorbet
We have quite the milk-mission over here at True & 12, and the basis for most of our ice cream flavours is indeed farm fresh local milk...

May 31, 20186 min read
Vanilla: nothing plain about it
“Plain old Vanilla” is a figure of speech as popular as “a dime a dozen” or “a piece of cake”. Truthfully however, there is absolutely...

Jun 11, 20174 min read
Japanese Matcha Green Tea
While green tea is generally grown throughout several different countries in the world, Matcha Green Tea is a specific first-class, high...

Aug 3, 20167 min read
a flavour journey: piedmont & the hazelnut
A lot of customers ask us what the Piedmont in our Hazelnut from Piedmont ice cream is all about… Piedmont is Italy’s second largest...

Jul 6, 20162 min read
Flavour: Karamell des Hauses
In Argentina we are passionate about four things: Fútbol… Asado… Tango… and (drum roll…) ................ dulce de leche. So much so that...

Mar 31, 20151 min read
Handmade Cinnamon Sugar Waffle Cones
We believe that our handmade-with-lots-of-love artisan ice cream deserves the very best. We spent months sourcing the best natural...
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